⊕Our purpose: to be a city-based, Lutheran faith community sharing its gifts to the mutual benefit of the congregation and the broader community
St Andrews, like many other congregations, is looking at what we might look like in the future and how we could evolve while retaining the things that are important to us.
- AGM adopt purpose and activity to 30th June √ Done
- Roles manual → On track
- Improve communication of decisions by Council → On track
- Governance training → On track
- Reporting → On track
- Consider name tags for ushers – ‘ASK ME’ √ Done
- Simplify roster process → On track
- Checklist for visitor reception and follow-up - survey → On Going →
- Translate Lutheranism for community → On track
- Interface with M&M → On track
- Discover what members are looking for ←Not started
- Korean ministry → On track
• Korean ministry planning
• Church roof leak repairs
• Ramp approvals
• Thankyou to all for contributing to
progress this year
- Manse Purchase √ Done
- Welcoming entrance to the church and hall → Ongoing – church entrance tidied and plants installed
- Fix church roof leaks ζ Off track
- Fans in church ↑? Depends on the roof repairs
- Heritage approval √ Complete
- Preparatory works - clean up hall and clear out ready for works √ Complete
- Preparatory works - remove wall and take up flooring; polish cement floor Planning for removing flooring and wall; √ Complete
- Polish cement floor √ Complete
- Building contract → On track Builder cannot progress until early 2023
Maintenance ramp/platform lift – May 2023
- Heritage approval to be finalised → On track BCC advises final requirements to proceed with Heritage approval; plans with BCC for further review
- Building contract → On track Quote and terms to be finalised - to be completed before November 2022
WORKING TOGETHER towards a positive future
Creating Caring Communities Course starting 5 November 2022 - See here for course information
Growing Vital Churches - Ministry and mission LCAQD resources
- Cross-Cultural Ministry - LCANZ Local Mission assisting churches to minister across cultures.
- Professional standards - LCANZ works to protect people whilst supporting the church’s pastors, employees and volunteers.
- Ordination for both men and women (LCANZ webpage)