Lutherans believe that worship is not so much about what we do, but about what God does for us. We simply respond in prayer and praise to the God who comes down to our level.
The worship of God is at the heart of our life together at St Andrew's. We are primarily a liturgical community in the city. We believe that God comes to us in Jesus Christ through the preaching of the word of God and administering the sacraments of Christ. The Holy Spirit creates and enlivens faith through these outward means of grace. This faith is actualised in works of life for our neighbours near and far.
In response to God coming to us in Jesus Christ, we respond with confession, adoration, praise, intercession for the world and thanksgiving. This is in response to what God has done, continues to do and promises to do for his people and for all creation. Worship is an expression of all we believe in and do, and it expresses our devotion and glorifies God’s holy name. In worship, we encounter God in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit as we hear the word of God.
Our liturgy at St Andrew's is firmly anchored in the Lutheran Church, which has its roots in the western catholic tradition.
St Andrew's uses the services with Holy Communion provided in the Luther and hymnal with supplement, page 6 and page 58 on alternate Sundays at the 10.00am service. A service booklet in easy-to-follow form is provided with the standard variations that are used at St Andrew's.
St Andrew's also conducts a Korean Worship Service at 1.00pm each Sunday.
Special liturgies are used for significant occasions such as Easter and Christmas.
To enable and encourage all to participate in the Lord's Supper, we offer a low-gluten wafer option in the morning service (low gluten=27 parts per million gluten). They are preferred by the Catholic Church, which requires some small part of gluten in the altar bread, however, they have been approved by the Coeliac Society of Australia. They are well under the limit for low-gluten foods (which is 200 parts per million).